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Long service life. It can operate in a very wide temperature range. It has a very high iron removal efficiency. Since regeneration does not require chemicals, there is minimal labor cost. It can only be cleaned with periodic backwashing. Alkalinity must be at least twice as high as the sum of sulfate and chloride. The maximum water temperature should be 38, the pH range should be 6.8 – 9, the dissolved oxygen content should be at least 15% of the amount of iron and at least 29% of the amount of manganese. Bed height should be minimum 76 cm, reverse washing flow rate should be 10-12gpm/ft2, service flow rate should be 3.5 – 5 gpm/ft2. Working at higher flows depends on local conditions. Free chlorine should be a minimum of 0.5 ppm, hydrogen sulfide, not in raw water in oil and polyphosphates.

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