It is used for disinfection purposes to oxidize oxidizable substances such as nitrite, iron and manganese in water and to disinfect microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses in water or that may occur in the future. In standard systems, dosing is adjusted manually. The amount of chemical to be dosed is adjusted by the strock value on the pump. As with other dosing pumps, many chemicals can be dosed with these pumps.

ORP controlled dosing systems measure the amount of substance to be dosed in the water and adjust the dosage amount. It stops or resumes dosing by measuring the amount of residual substance set. These models are equipped with electrode (probe) and electrode container for measurement, apart from the dosing pump and control panel.

Flow rate controlled dosing pumps provide dosing according to the amount of water flowing. It works in conjunction with the meter connected to the dosing pump. The meter sends a signal to the pump by measuring the passing fluid and the pump doses the desired chemical accordingly.


• Ensuring chemical dosage in industry,

• Ensuring liquid disinfectant dosage in disinfection systems,

• Dosing systems are used in water and wastewater treatment plants to ensure chemical dosage.

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